
Milk fat globule membrane proteins (MFGMP) are essential for supporting infants’ growth and development. The composition of MFGMP may vary depending on maternal and perinatal factors. However, there is a lack of research on the effects of parity, maternal age, and mode of delivery on MFGMP. This study attempts to address this knowledge gap by utilizing a data-independent acquisition (DIA) approach to perform proteomics comparisons of human MFGMP. Mature human milk (MHM) was collected from Chinese women with different parities (multiparous vs. primiparous, MP vs. PP), maternal reproductive ages (age ≥30 vs. age <30, MA1 vs. MA2), and delivery modes (cesarean delivery vs. vaginal delivery, CD vs. VD). We found variations in MFGMP between different cohorts. Differentially expressed proteins (DEP) in MHM of primiparous and multiparous women were mostly related to innate immune response which provides the first line of defense against pathogens. Higher abundances of these DEP were found in the MHM of multiparous women. Meanwhile, DEP in MHM of women with different delivery modes were primarily related to inflammatory response and innate immune response. We postulate that upregulation of the defense response-related DEP in MHM of women who had cesarean delivery was in relation to modulation of the cesarean delivery-induced inflammatory response and to strengthen the immune defense of newborns.

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