
Marigolds (Tagetes erecta L.) suppress nematodes and are attractive companion plants, but their role in biological control is unknown. We evaluated how exposure to marigold blooms impacts the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius platensis Brethes. Female wasps previously exposed to marigold spent more time walking and parasitizing Myzus percisae Sulzer or Schizaphis graminum Rodani aphids, and subsequently had higher parasitism rates. Meanwhile, completely starved wasps spent more time stationary and marginally more time grooming. Time spent probing, emergence rate, and sex ratio were not affected. Wasp survival was best on honey, followed by marigold, and lowest on non-blooming marigolds. Nutrient reserves of wasps given honey, aphid-infested marigold, or marigold alone were compared to newly-emerged unfed wasps. Their resulting lipid, glycogen and sugar levels were similar, suggesting that these foods helped wasps maintain reserves similar to emergence levels. These results suggest that marigold may improve biological control of aphids by A. platensis.

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