
This study evaluated the effects of two organic acids on the fermentation of alfalfa silages at different dry matter (DM) contents. Alfalfa was wilted to DM contents of 30% (moderately low) and 38% (normal) and ensiled without additives (control) or treated with 0.6% fresh matter DL-malic acid (MA) or 0.6% fresh matter citric acid (CA) for 60days. After ensiling, silages with a normal DM were higher in pH, water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and DM loss (p<0.05) when compared to silages ensiled at a moderately low DM. The higher DM content also limited proteolysis in silages indicated by lower concentrations of ammonia N (NH3 -N). Compared with the control group, MA and CA-treated silages had lower pH, lower concentrations of acetic acid and NH3 -N but higher concentrations of lactic acid. The addition of MA and CA reduced DM losses in silages when compared to the control group except for MA-treated silage at a moderately low DM in which only numerically lower DM loss was observed. Malic acid and CA also resulted in a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially in silages with a moderately low DM. Including MA and CA could promote silage fermentation, limit proteolysis and lipolysis at the lower and medium-to-high end of DM contents in alfalfa silages.

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