
The aim of this study was to examine changes in the kinematic and kinetic parameters of female athletes performing a forward drop jump to a vertical jump under muscle fatigue condition. Twelve female college athletes performed a forward drop jump to a vertical jump with and without muscle fatigue conditions. A motion capture system and two AMTI force plates were used to synchronously collect kinematic and kinetic data. Inverse dynamics were implemented to calculate the participant’s joint loading, joint moment, and energy absorption. A paired sample t-test was used to compare statistical differences between pre-fatigue and post-fatigue conditions (α = .05). The forward trunk lean angle at initial foot contact, as well as the knee range of motion, total negative work and energy absorption contribution of the knee joint during the landing phase were significantly decreased under post-fatigue condition. The increased peak vertical ground reaction force and peak tibial anterior shear forces were also found under post-fatigue condition. These results indicated that muscle fatigue caused participants to change their original landing posture into stiff landing posture and decrease the energy absorption ability, which increased the tibial anterior shear forces. Therefore, female athletes should appropriately increase the knee flexion angle under muscle fatigue condition to reduce the risk of anterior cruciate ligament injuries.

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