
Abstract. Diapause adults of Plautia stali Scott maintained at 20°C under short day conditions (LD 12:12 h) were exposed to four temperatures of 5–20°C to examine the effect on diapause development which was assessed in terms of oviposition. Diapause adults kept at 20°C under short day conditions changed their body colour gradually from brown to green and started egg laying after a prolonged preoviposition period. Those transferred to either 10 or 15°C also showed colour change but did not lay eggs. Bugs exposed to 5°C underwent neither body colour change nor oviposition and died more rapidly than those kept at higher temperatures. When 30‐day‐old diapause adults were chilled at 5, 10 or 15°C for 30 or 60 days and returned to 20°C and long day conditions (LD 16:8 h), the preoviposition period varied primarily depending on the chilling, but not on the temperature. On the other hand, when 60day‐old diapause adults chilled for 30 days were observed at 20°C and long day conditions, their preoviposition period tended to be longer as the chilling temperature was lower In this case, a temperature of 10°C appeared to intensify diapause. Therefore, the effect of chilling on diapause development varied depending on the age at which insects were chilled. When chilled bugs were transferred to short day conditions at 20°C, most females failed to lay any eggs and some turned green, then after a while, some green bugs changed to brown again. These results indicate that bugs remained sensitive to short day conditions even after a 60‐day chilling at 10 or 15°C.

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