
The prime objective of this research was to study the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) with an evaluation of bony changes via pre- and post-treatment 3DCBCT in orthodontic malocclusion cases treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Subjects who attended the Orthodontic Clinic, were diagnosed with orthodontic malocclusion, treated with fixed orthodontic appliances, and had pre- and post-management CBCT were included in the study. Patients aged 14 to 25 years who met the inclusion criteria were assigned to two groups, group A (LLLT) and group B (non-LLLT). Group A participants were treated with LLLT therapy as per standard protocol after explaining the nature of the treatment. Group B (non-LLLT) participants were not treated with LLLT therapy and therefore served as the control. LLLT was used in the experimental group after placing each archwire. Interradicular bony changes at depth levels of 1 to 4 (2, 5, 8, and 11 mm) using 3DCBCT were measured as outcome parameters. The information collected was analyzed using SPSS computer software. Mostly insignificant differences were noted among groups for the different parameters (p < 0.05). Student's t-tests and paired t-tests were used to investigate the differences. Experimental Hypothesis: There will be significant differences in the interradicular width (IRW) measurements between the LLLT and non-LLLT groups. The hypothesis was rejected. Upon investigation of prospective changes, most of the measured parameters showed insignificant differences.

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