
Background: The paper presents the results of studies conducted on the basis of the former Smolensk branch of Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry, in the village of Olsha, Smolensk district, Smolensk region. In a long field experiment, various fertilizer systems were studied, their effect and aftereffect on the qualitative and quantitative crop yield, soil properties.Methods: A stationary field experiment was established in 1978. The aftereffect of fertilization systems on oats has been studied since 2009. The aftereffect was studied in 2015-2016 and 2017. With one dose of organic fertilizer (compost based on cattle manure - cattle), over 30 years of experience, 17.4 tons of organic matter, 435 kg of total nitrogen, 198 kg of phosphorus (P2O5), 621 kg of potassium (K2O) entered the soil. A single calculated dose of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium corresponded to 25.5 kg of active ingredient per ha-1. Result: With prolonged use of fertilizers, the content of heavy metals in the soil did not exceed the calculated permissible concentration. However, at a fivefold norm (N150P150K150 + 15 t ha-1), the cadmium content was overestimated. An ecologically justified dose of aftereffect in the Smolensk region on sod-podzolic soil should be considered a fourfold dose of mineral components and compost (N120P120K120 + 12 t ha-1).

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