
The correct characterization of macro-scale contaminant transport and transformation rates is an important issue for modeling reactive transport in heterogeneous aquifers. While previous studies have investigated field-scale heterogeneity of transport and biochemical properties, the effects of local transverse dispersion on macro-scale transport and transformation rates have not been well understood. In this paper, the process of oxygen-limited biodegradation in a stratified aquifer is analysed by spectral perturbation approach, and longitudinal macrodispersivity, effective biodegradation rate, effective retardation factor and effective velocity are derived for the coupled transport equations of a system consisting of a contaminant and an oxidizing agent (oxygen). The effects of local transverse dispersion on these macro-scale coefficients are studied. It is shown that local transverse dispersion can smooth the heterogeneity in biodegradation and sorption processes and enlarge effective biodegradation rate and retardation factor. The local transverse dispersion can also limit the effects of heterogeneity in biodegradation process on longitudinal macrodispersivities and effective velocities for the contaminant and dissolved oxygen. But the effects of heterogeneity in sorption process on the contaminant macrodispersivity is likely to be magnified by local transverse dispersion.

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