
This experiment was initiated to further test the effects of light regimes during callus induction and plant regeneration on anther culture response of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Spring wheat cultivars 'Edwall' and 'WA 7176' with high callus induction from anther culture but low green plant production were used. Different gro-lux light and dark regimes during callus induction, and gro-lux light and fluorescent light regimes during plant regeneration were used. Callus induction decreased significantly at relatively high light intensity (315 µmol m−2 s−1) applied at any period of culture when compared to continuous dark. Light regimes used continuously and from the 15th to the last day of callus induction also had a significant negative effect on plant regeneration compared to continuous dark and light application in the first half of callus induction. During plant regeneration, '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' significantly increased plant regeneration compared to both 'gro-lux' and 'fluorescent light' regimes. Light regimes during both callus induction and plant regeneration and their interaction effects were found to be highly significant on green plant proportion and green plant yield. 'Continuous light' application during callus induction increased green plant proportion more than other applications in contrast to its negative effect on plant regeneration. During plant regeneration, '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' had the higher green plant proportion compared to only 'fluorescent light' and only 'gro-lux light'. The highest green plant yields were obtained from '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' during plant regeneration in combination with either 'continuous dark' or 'continuous light' regimes during callus induction.

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