
When rooted cuttings of Corylus maxima Mill. cv. Purpurea are moved from the wet and humid conditions of the rooting environment, the leaves frequently shrivel and die. Since the newly formed adventitious root system has been shown to be functional in supplying water to the shoot, stomatal behaviour in C. maxima was investigated in relation to the failure to prevent desiccation. Stomatal conductance (gs) in expanding leaves (L3) of cuttings increased almost 10-fold over the first 14 days in the rooting environment (fog), from 70 to 650 mmol m-2 s-1. In contrast, gs of expanded leaves (L1) changed little and was in the region of 300 mmol m-2 s-1. Midday leaf water potential was much higher in cuttings than in leaves on the mother stock-plant (-0.5 versus -1.2 MPa) even before any roots were visible. Despite this, leaf expansion of L3 was inhibited by >50% in cuttings and stomata showed a gradual reduction in their ability to close in response to abscisic acid (ABA). To determine whether the loss of stomatal function in cuttings was due to severance or to unnaturally low vapour pressure deficit and wetting in fog, intact plants were placed alongside cuttings in the rooting environment. The intact plants displayed reductions in leaf expansion and in the ability of stomata to close in response to dark, desiccation and ABA. However, in cuttings, the additional effect of severance resulted in smaller leaves than in intact plants and more severe reduction in stomatal closure, which was associated with a 2.5-fold increase in stomatal density and distinctively rounded stomatal pores. The similarities between stomatal dysfunction in C. maxima and that observed in many species propagated in vitro are discussed, as is the possible mechanism of dysfunction.

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