
This article is the result of secondary analysis of data obtained from a research based on the partnership between the University of Craiova and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dolj County. The information obtained was placed in a wider context, in which there were added the specific influences of globalization and Romania's membership of the European Union. The main objective of the research was to identify the employers' requirements regarding the quality of human resources. Empirical exploration of the attitude of jobseekers revealed a high level of mismatch between employer searches and what is identified on the labor market. Also, you can see the need to prepare those looking for a job in order to attend the job interview with the best chances. The study we refer to in this article shows that professionalism is not enough for a job, looking for the specific skills and personality traits of the candidates, which often provide the score that makes the difference between the candidates. In such a context, the repeated failures of the applications, the low number of jobs and the low remuneration in relation to the European labor market will favor the renunciation of the personal development and the search for professional alternatives abroad, even if activities below the qualification level are performed but are generating higher incomes. The temptation of immediate income becomes stronger than the desire to build a career, which will have negative consequences in the long term.

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