
Toki-Shakuyaku-san (TSS), a Japanese (Kampo) formulation which consists of six herbs, was administered orally to MRL Mp-lpr/lpr mice for 6 weeks. Clearance was measured by in vivo enzymatic immune complex clearance (EIC) assay. Glucose oxidase-anti-glucose-oxidase complexes (GAG), as a model of immune complexes (ICs), was injected into mouse tail veins and at intervals thereafter the enzyme activity of the GAG remaining in the circulation were estimated. The half life ( T 1 2 ) of GAG from the circulation was significantly shortened in the TSS-treated group. Furthermore, the amount of circulating immune complexes, measured by anti-mouse C3 ELISA, tended to decrease in the TSS-treated group. We also evaluated three other Kampo formulas, but no significant effect was observed for these formulations. We then examined the activity of the individual herbs in TSS and in formulations excluding one component herb. No significant changes were observed with individual herbs. On the other hand, the activity observed in the TSS-treated group disappeared in the TSS minus Angelicae Radix formulation and the TSS minus Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma formulation. These observations indicate that TSS is a potent formula and its enhancing activity on ICs clearance is strengthened by both Angelicae Radix and Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma.

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