
Irradiation of puparia in Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), sterile insect release programs can negatively affect adult fly performance. Emergence, survivorship, lure attraction, and mating competition tests were performed on irradiated and unirradiated Mediterranean fruit flies in Hawaii. Unirradiated flies of the Vienna-7 (tsl) strain had higher emergence, flight ability, and survivorship compared with irradiated flies. In general, unirradiated flies were more responsive to trimedlure, but this effect was not consistent for all strains at every age. Laboratory strains, of both unirradiated and irradiated flies, responded to trimedlure at a younger age than wild flies, which may be a result of inadvertent selection for decreased development time in laboratory-reared flies. Mating competition tests with irradiated and unirradiated flies showed no significant differences. Costs associated with the irradiation process and the development of alternative control techniques are discussed.

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