
The effects of intercropping with post-grafting generation of Cosmos sulphureus on total potassium content of grape seedling were investigated through pot experiment under cadmium stress. The results showed that the intercropping treatments had significant effect on soil available potassium content and total potassium content in root, stem and leaf of grape seedling, while intercropping with ungrafted and post-grafting generation of C. sulphureus all decreased the potassium content of grape seedling and soil compared with grape monoculture. The potassium content of grape seedling and soil were all ranked as: grape monoculture (MG) > intercropping with the ungrafted generation of C. sulphureus (UG) > intercropping with the post-grafting generation of C. sulphureus of self-rooted grafting by the same one seedling (PSG) > intercropping with the post-grafting generation of C. sulphureus of self-rooted grafting by two different sizes seedlings (PSDG) > intercropping with the post-grafting generation of C. sulphureus of self-rooted grafting by two same sizes seedlings (PSSG). Therefore, intercropping with post-grafting generation of C. sulphureus could not increase but reduce the potassium content, which is one of essential minerals that contributes to plant growth and development.

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