
Integrated crop management (ICM) demonstrations were done in 20 farmers’ fields in the Krishi Vigyan Kendra operated mandals of Ananthapur and Satya Sai districts in Andhra Pradesh state during the Kharif seasons of 2022-23 and 2023-24. The objective was to demonstrate the influence of ICM to increase tomato yield at field level. According to the data, ICM practices produced a mean yield of 59.7 t/ha, which is 6.23% higher than farmers practice (56.2 t/ha). The increment in yield of tomato crop under ICM practices was due to use of improved hybrid of Arka Samrat coupled with ICM module developed by Dr YSR Horticultural University. ICM practices resulted in a higher economic benefit and adoption of ICM practices resulted in higher benefit-cost ratio (3.80) than the farmers practice with private hybrids (3.48). Tomato productivity per unit area increased by applying scientifically sound, long-term management practices. The study demonstrated that, ICM enhanced tomato yields. This can be used to influence farmers to adopt enhanced tomato production management technologies in the future.

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