
The effects of ingested DDT and Mirex on juvenile blue crabs ( Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) were examined. Mirex is a much more potent stomach poison than DDT. High, subacute internal levels of Mirex (0.02–0.2 ppm) and DDT (0·8 ppm) cause pronounced metabolic rate elevations. Mirex internal concentrations 0·02 ppm and above inhibit the autonomy reflex. High internal levels of Mirex during carapace formation following a moult seem to result in decreases in carapace thicknesses relative to widths. Subacute levels of DDT and Mirex do not affect osmotic and ionic regulation by juvenile blue crabs. The probable impact on blue crab populations of Mirex and DDT contamination of estuarine food chains is discussed. Mirex and DDT are potentially disastrous agents with respect to blue crab populations. Mirex is far more hazardous than DDT.

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