
AbstractPredator–prey interactions affect ecological communities. Consistent individual differences in the behavior, or animal personality, of predators and/or prey can influence inter‐specific interactions. For example, high activity predators may have increased foraging success on low activity prey (i.e., the locomotor crossover hypothesis). On the other hand, the foraging style of predators can be categorized as “active hunting” or “sit‐and‐wait”; this difference impacts the selection pressure on prey and may thus also affect predator–prey interactions. Although some studies have evaluated the joint effect of the personality types of both active hunting predators and prey, few studies have focused on sit‐and‐wait predators with respect to the locomotor crossover hypothesis. Here we tested the locomotor crossover hypothesis using assassin bugs (Amphibolus venator) as a sit‐and‐wait predator and red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) as prey. There was no relationship between the personalities of A. venator and T. castaneum with respect to foraging rate; therefore, the present study did not support the locomotor crossover hypothesis. This result suggests that the locomotor crossover hypothesis may be supported in active hunting predators, but not in sit‐and‐wait predators. This study highlights the importance of focusing on predator foraging styles in predator–prey interactions when studying the evolution of animal personality.

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