
Aim. To investigate the development and treatment with imidopyran and prednisolone of hemolytic anemia in dogs caused by the protozoan parasite Babesia canis. Methods. 17 domestic dogs weighing 5-10 kg aged 2-5 years were used for the study. The parameters of the general blood analysis were determined using the MicroCC-20 Plus automated hematology analyzer (HTI, USA). Microscopy with a Leica DM4 electric microscope (Germany) was carried out to study the condition of erythrocytes, counting the number of leukocytes and platelets. Results. The main indicator of the development of anemia in animals is the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. Development of babesiosis lead to the hemolytic anemia investigated in dogs before treatment: the number of erythrocytes lower than normal by 20-30%, the level of hemoglobin 40-55%, the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes 10- 18%, hematocrit 20-30% and the number of platelets 40-50%. Conclusions. The results of the study showed that treatment with imidopyran and prednisolone is effective in cases of babesiosis for dogs caused by the protozoan parasite Babesia canis. Moreover, such treatment decreases the risks of the anemic state development for these animals.

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