
Hythane has been well known as a mixture of hydrogen and methane gases but their production is mostly in a different way. The present study dealt with the potential biohythane production in a two-compartment (lower, hydrogenesis; upper, methanogenesis) reactor via a single-stage anaerobic fermentation at mesophilic temperature. The effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) was tested at 10–2 d using food waste substrate. HRT 2 d resulted in (1) maximum removal efficiencies for COD, carbohydrate, lipid and protein contents with values of 58.5, 58.4, 62.6 and 79.1%, respectively; (2) peak hydrogen and methane production rates of 714 and 254 mL/L-d, respectively; and (3) biogas contents of hydrogen 8.6% and methane 48.0% in the produced gas. At this HRT, Clostridium sensu stricto 2 and Methanosaeta were dominant species in H2 and CH4 compartments, respectively. The novelty of this work is creating a novel two-compartment reactor for single-stage anaerobic biohythane fermentation.

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