
Abstract. In the southeastern U. S., longleaf pine savannas, important habitat for grassland birds, are subject to hurricanes and subsequent management. The intensity of tropical storms is predicted to increase with climate change, heightening the importance of understanding the effects of storm disturbance and salvage logging on species of concern such as Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis), a pine-savanna specialist. To determine how Bachman's Sparrow occupancy varies with the age and salvage history of pine stands, and to identify the vegetation and post-hurricane habitat features influencing stand occupancy, we surveyed Bachman's Sparrows in Mississippi savannas affected by Hurricane Katrina. Our point counts and vegetation surveys covered 89 stands over two breeding seasons, beginning one year after salvaging. Bachman's Sparrow occupancy was best predicted by increasing graminoid cover and density, with evidence of a quadratic effect reversing the relationship at high levels, decreasing tree densi...

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