
We studied the effects of blood hematocrit (Hct), blood flow, or norepinephrine on segmental vascular resistances in isolated portally perfused rat livers. Total portal hepatic venous resistance (Rt) was assigned to the portal (Rpv), sinusoidal (Rsinus), and hepatic venous (Rhv) resistances using the portal occlusion (Ppo) and the hepatic venous occlusion (Phvo) pressures that were obtained during occlusion of the respective line. Four levels of Hct (30%, 20%, 10%, and 0%) were studied. Rpv comprises 44% of Rt, 37% of Rsinus, and 19% of Rhv in livers perfused at 30% Hct and portal venous pressure of 9.1 cmH2O. As Hct increased at a given blood flow, all three segmental vascular resistances of Rpv, Rsinus, and Rhv increased at flow >15 ml/min. As blood flow increased at a given Hct, only Rsinus increased without changes in Rpv or Rhv. Norepinephrine increased predominantly Rpv, and, to a smaller extent, Rsinus, but it did not affect Rhv. Finally, we estimated Ppo and Phvo from the double occlusion maneuver, which occluded simultaneously both the portal and hepatic venous lines. The regression line analysis revealed that Ppo and Phvo were identical with those measured by double occlusion. In conclusion, changes in blood Hct affect all three segmental vascular resistances, whereas changes in blood flow affect Rsinus, but not Rpv or Rhv. Norepinephrine increases mainly presinusoidal resistance. Ppo and Phvo can be obtained by the double occlusion method in isolated perfused rat livers.

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