
Glyphosate is the most widely applied herbicide worldwide, contaminating water, soils, and living organisms. Earthworms are emblematic soil organisms used as indicators of soil quality, but knowledge about the impacts of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) on these key soil organisms is scattered. Here, we examine this knowledge in detail to answer four questions: (1) Which endpoint is the most sensitive when assessing the effects of glyphosate or GBH in earthworms? (2) Which is most toxic to earthworms: glyphosate or GBH? (3) Are glyphosate and GBH harmful to earthworms when used at the recommended application dose? (4) What are the interactions between glyphosate or GBH and other chemicals in earthworms? The results indicate that a weak legislation led to improper assessment of the ecotoxicity of glyphosate during the last renewal in 2017. Our findings also highlighted that negative effects can occur in earthworms at the recommended application rate, although not after only a single application or when considering only the mortality of adult individuals. However, under more realistic conditions, that is, when assessing sensitive endpoints (e.g., reproduction, growth) and using species present in the field, after several applications per year, the negative effects of glyphosate or GBH on earthworms were observed at the subindividual, individual, population, and community levels, as well as on earthworm-mediated functions. Our recommendations are as follows: (i) competent agencies should collect more information on the toxicity of these compounds to earthworms before the next renewal deadline, with emphasis on the use of the updated legislation on the topic, and (ii) scientists should increase research on the effects of these herbicides on soil invertebrate species, with emphasis on earthworms, using guideline tests and obtain data from long-term field testing. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2023;00:1-7. © 2023 SETAC.

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