
The individual role played by GH and IGF-I in the regulation of hypothalamic GHRH and SRIF gene expression is still object of debate. We have investigated the effect of exogenously administered recombinant hGH (rhGH) and recombinant hIGF-I (rhIGF-I) in ad libitum fed control and starved rats, the latter an animal model which is characterized by low circulating levels of endogenous GH and IGF-I. Adult male rats were fed ad libitum (C) or food-deprived (S) for 72 hours; rats in either C or S groups were treated with systemic administration of rhGH and rhIGF-I for 3 days. GHRH, SRIF and GH mRNA levels were evaluated by Northern and slot blot hybridization. Administration of rhGH (250 micrograms/kg/twice daily, sc) induced a significant inhibition of GHRH and a significant stimulation of SRIF mRNA levels in C rats; GH treatment was, however, ineffective on both neuropeptide mRNA levels in the S group. Continuous infusion of rhIGF-I (300 micrograms/kg/day, sc) induced a significant increase of SRIF levels in both C and S rats but did not modify GHRH mRNA levels in either group. In the pituitary, GH mRNA levels followed a pattern very similar to that of GHRH. These results provide evidence for a direct role of GH in the inhibition of GHRH mRNA levels; IGF-I appears more involved in the direct stimulation of SRIF mRNA levels.

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