
Exogenous galanin has been shown to suppress insulin secretion as elicited by a number of secretagogues such as glucose, arginine, tolbutamide, carbachol, and oral nutrients. To achieve further insight into the influence of galanin on the endocrine pancreas, we have investigated the effect of synthetic porcine galanin (a 200 ng bolus followed by constant infusion at a concentration of 16.8 ng/mL for 16 to 24 minutes) on unstimulated insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin release, as well as on the responses of these hormones to 1 nmol/L vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), 1 nmol/L gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), 1 nmol/L 26 to 33 octapeptide form of cholecystokinin (8-CCK) or 10 nmol/L glucagon in the perfused rat pancreas. Galanin infusion reduced unstimulated insulin secretion by 60% without modifying glucagon and somatostatin output. Galanin also blocked insulin release elicited by VIP, GIP, and 8-CCK; it did not affect the glucagon responses to VIP and GIP, or the somatostatin responses to VIP, GIP, and 8-CCK. Finally, galanin inhibited the insulin output, but not the somatostatin release induced by glucagon. In conclusion, in the perfused rat pancreas, galanin appears to behave as a general inhibitor of insulin secretion. Since this neuropeptide does not modify glucagon or somatostatin release, a direct effect of galanin on the B-cell seems plausible.

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