
 This research aimed to evaluate the usage of gadgets in demographic variations regarding gender among secondary school students form urban and rural areas of Islamabad. The detail review of the literature was taken on the uses of electronic gadgets. The positive and negative uses of the electronics were discussed in the society. To explore the effects of electronic gadgets on academic performance of secondary school students, structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data. All questionnaire consisted on the Likert scale. The students’ responses were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using percentage and mean score. Linear Regression was used for calculating the impact level of variables using SPSS package. Independent sample t test was opted to validate the findings of this study. The data was further segregated to analyze the difference of academic performance in female and male students. The findings of the study revealed that the use of gadgets has positive effect on their learning capabilities and ultimately contributing to their academic performance. It is recommended that the positive use of gadget should be promoted and there must be implemented some regulations to ban the negative use of electronic gadgets.

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