
The release of volatile fission products from high-burnup UO2 fuel was examined in a steam atmosphere under severe accident conditions as a part of the VEGA program. The effects of fuel oxidation and dissolution were totally evaluated, by comparing the results with those from previous inert, hydrogen and steam atmosphere tests. It was shown that the oxidation of UO2 to UO2+x by steam generally enhances Cs and Kr release. However, the enhancement becomes smaller above the melting temperature of Zircaloy, about 2030 K, likely due to reduction of UO2+x by molten Zircaloy. The burst release of Cs occurs above about 2300K in the hydrogen atmosphere, while the release rate does not increase so significantly for the examined temperature range (<2800 K) in the steam atmosphere. Analysis of the hydrogen atmosphere test showed that fuel dissolution is apparently connected with the burst release and that a large fraction of Cs is quickly released from the dissolved fuel above 2300 K. It is considered that the fuel dissolution rate in the steam atmosphere is about 1/1000 of that in the hydrogen atmosphere.

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