
Petunias (Petunia hybrida cv. 'Mitchell') accumulate free proline (Pro) under drought-stress conditions. It is therefore believed that Pro acts as an osmoprotectant in plants subjected to drought conditions. Petunia plants were transformed by Delta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase genes (AtP5CS from Arabidopsis thaliana L. or OsP5CS from Oryza sativa L.). The transgenic plants accumulated Pro and their drought tolerance was tested. The Pro content amounted to 0.57-1.01% of the total amino acids in the transgenic plants, or 1.5-2.6 times that in wild-type plants grown under normal conditions. The transgenic plant lines tolerated 14 d of drought stress, which confirms that both P5CS transgenes had full functionality. Exogenous L-Pro treatment caused the plants to accumulate Pro; plants treated with 5 mM L-Pro accumulated up to 18 times more free Pro than untreated plants. Exogenous L-Pro restricted the growth of wild-type petunias more than that of Arabidopsis plants. The capacity for free Pro accumulation might depend on the plant species. The growth of petunia plants was influenced not only by the Pro concentration in the plants, but by the ratio of the Pro content to the total amino acids, because the growth of the transgenic petunia plants appeared normal.

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