
Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) and dynorphin are neuropeptides that are associated with the negative emotional states. Experimental evidence indicates that dynorphin neurons located in the nucleus accumbens and CRF neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) mediate anxiety-like behaviors immediately after the stressful experience (24–48h). The present study was done to evaluate if changes in the levels of the mRNA for these peptides in the striatum, BST, and CeA were associated with the long-lasting avoidance of novelty, a measure of an anxiety-like state, in a subset of rats exposed to unpredictable and moderately intense footshocks (5×2s of 1.5mA). Shocked rats with enhanced fear to a novel tone 24h after the footshocks (high responders; HR) displayed long-lasting avoidance in the elevated T-maze whereas shocked rats with low levels of acute fear (low responders; LR) had low levels of avoidance similar to nonshocked rats. An increase in the level of proCRF mRNA was detected in the CeA of the HR compared to LR and nonshocked rats but not in other areas of the brain sampled. In contrast, prodynorphin and proenkephalin mRNA levels in the striatum, BST and CeA were not different between HR, LR and nonshocked rats. This study provides evidence that CRF neurons in the CeA may play a role in the anxiety-like state produced in a subset of rats exposed to footshocks.

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