
The Spontaneously Diabetic Torii (SDT) fatty rat, established by introducing the fa allele of the Zucker fatty rat into the SDT rat genome, is a new model of obesity/type 2 diabetes. The present study investigated effects of food restriction on metabolic and endocrinological function in SDT fatty rats. SDT fatty rats were pair-fed with SDT rats from 7 to 21 weeks of age. The SDT fatty rats were already hyperinsulinemic and hyperlipidemic at 7 weeks of age. After 7 weeks of age, SDT fatty rats showed age-dependently increasing serum glucose levels associated with decreasing serum insulin levels. However, in pair-fed SDT fatty rats, hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia were attenuated at 9 weeks of age. After 9 weeks of age, the serum insulin levels unexpectedly increased in the pair-fed SDT fatty rats. Glucose tolerance was also improved, and the pancreatic insulin contents were increased in these rats. Pancreatic islets were hypertrophied in pair-fed SDT fatty rats compared with ad lib-fed SDT fatty rats, which were comparable to SDT rats. This study showed that, in SDT fatty rats, calorie restriction by paired-feeding with SDT rats attenuated hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia for the first 2 weeks. Thereafter, the serum insulin levels and pancreatic insulin contents were increased, though the restriction was continued. Hypertrophic pancreatic islets were also remarkable, indicating increased beta cell proliferation. The activated pancreatic beta cell functions might be due to rapid food ingestion, a change of feeding behavior resulting form increasing the fasting period, which was indispensable for calorie restriction.

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