
This study developed an analytical solution of reaeration rate coefficient (K2) and modified the equation of BOD removal in a shallow artificial open channel. A series of well-controlled batch tests were carried out to measure the KZ and BOD removal rate in the channel at different flow conditions. The results of these tests indicated that measured KZ within the developing zone of the laminar boundary layer is better described by the analytical solution of this study than by the five semi-empirical formulae mentioned in this paper. On the other hand, a resuspension-sedimentation coefficient, Rs , was added to the BOD removal equation to describe the variation in BOD due to varied flow conditions. Based on the results of the experimental data the following conclusions in the BOD removal process were reached. It was found that a direct correlation exists between the flow velocity to depth ratio (U/h) and the deoxygenation rate coefficient (KI), but there is an inverse correlation between U/h and Rs as well. This modified BOD removal equation can predict DOD removal rate at different travel times or known downstream distances in an open channel under varied flow conditions. 0 1997 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd

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