
Flooding regimes are a primary influence on the wetland plant community. Human-induced disturbance often changes the duration and frequency of flooding in wetlands, and has a marked influence on wetland plant composition and viability. Comprehensive studies of the environmental thresholds of wetland plants are required for the development of proper practices for wetland management and restoration after hydrological disturbance. This study provides a quantitative assessment of the establishment, growth, and community shifts in dominance of three emergent plant species (Scirpus tabernaemontani, Typha orientalis, and Zizania latifolia) typical of South Korean wetlands, under five hydrological regimes (waterlogged, low-level standing water, high-level standing water, intensive periodic flooding, and intermittent flooding) over four growing seasons. A mesocosm experiment was conducted in the campus of Seoul National University, South Korea. The number and biomass of shoots of Z. latifolia responded positively to increased water level and flooding frequency, while that of the other plants did not. Zizania latifolia outcompeted S. tabernaemontani and T. orientalis irrespective of hydrological regime. This study suggests that Z. latifolia can outcompete the other two macrophytes in the field. This study will improve our ability to predict the dynamics of wetland vegetation and so facilitate the formulation of wetland management and restoration strategies.

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