
We evaluated effects of a 5% (dry matter basis) ground flaxseed supplement (flax) and a trenbolone acetate and estradiol-17beta implant, Revalor-S, on circulating IGF-I and muscle IGF-I messenger RNA (mRNA). Sixteen crossbred yearling steers (initial BW = 397 kg) were assigned randomly to one of four treatments: 1) flax/implant; 2) nonflax/implant; 3) flax/nonimplant; and 4) nonflax/nonimplant. Serum was harvested from blood collected on d 0 (before implant or flax addition), 14, and 28, and used in subsequent analyses of circulating IGF-I. Biopsy samples (0.5 g) were obtained from the longissimus muscle on d 0, 14, and 28. Total RNA was isolated from the muscle samples, and real-time quantitative-PCR was used to assess relative differences in IGF-I mRNA. Flax supplementation had no effect (P > 0.10) on circulating IGF-I concentrations. Following implantation, sera from implanted steers had 52 and 84% greater (P < 0.05) IGF-I concentrations than sera from nonimplanted steers on d 14 and 28, respectively. On d 28, local muscle IGF-I mRNA levels increased 2.4-fold (P < 0.01) in biopsy samples obtained from implanted compared with nonimplanted steers. Muscle biopsy samples from nonflax cattle had 4.4-fold higher (P < 0.01) levels of IGF-I mRNA than those from flax cattle on d 28. To determine whether a component of flax, alpha-linolenic acid (alphaLA), was directly responsible for IGF-I mRNA down-regulation, we incubated primary cultures of bovine satellite cells, from implanted and nonimplanted steers, in two concentrations of alphaLA (10 nM and 1 microM). An implant x dose interaction (P < 0.05) was observed for IGF-I mRNA concentrations in bovine satellite cells cultured for 72 h with alphaLA. Satellite cells from nonimplanted steers had similar (P > 0.10) IGF-I mRNA concentration regardless of the level of alphaLA exposure; however, satellite cells from implanted steers exposed to 10 nM and 1 microM alphaLA had 2.5- and 2.0-fold greater IGF-I mRNA levels, respectively, than cells from implanted steers that were not exposed to alphaLA (P < 0.05). Administration of a Revalor-S implant increased circulating IGF-I and local muscle IGF-I mRNA concentrations in finishing cattle. However, muscle IGF-I mRNA levels were decreased by flax supplementation. Muscle cell culture experiments suggested that alphaLA was not responsible for the IGF-I mRNA down-regulation.

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