
Mode I fracture properties, in particular the critical strain energy release rate G IC, of a unidirectional glass/epoxy composite for crack growth parallel to the fibres, were studied in two ways using double cantilever beam specimen geometry. In the first case, a crack was propagated by repeated loading-unloading cycles. The specimens deviated from linear elastic beam and linear elastic fracture mechanics predictions with respect to their compliance and load at crack propagation, and G IC showed a continuous increase with crack growth, owing to the progressive build-up of a fibre-bridged zone behind the crack tip. In the second case, the crack was propagated in a similar manner but the bridging fibres were removed periodically using a stress corrosion treatment in a solution of 2 n HCl. This treatment effectively restored the linear elastic beam behaviour and reduced G IC to an unbridged value which is independent of crack length.

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