
A 10 week experiment was conducted to determine theeffects of feeding rate on growth, feed utilizationand body composition of the tropical bagrid catfish,Mystus nemurus. Catfish fingerlings with anaverage initial body weight of 12 g were fed apractical diet (36.2% protein, 16.5 kJ/g diet) atrates of 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 or 5% of their bodyweight (BW) per day in two equal meals. Watertemperature was approximately 29 °C throughoutthe experiment. Percent weight gain increased almostlinearly with increasing feeding rates up to 2.5%BW/day beyond which no significant (P > 0.05)improvement in weight gain was observed. The specificgrowth rate of catfish fed rations of 1% BW/day was0.72%/day and this increased significantly to anaverage of 1.39%/day for catfish fed 2.5% BW/day andbeyond. Feed utilization did not differ significantly(P > 0.05) between fish fed 1.0 to 2.5%BW/day but decreased when rations were increased to3.0% BW/day and above. Feed efficiency ratio was0.79 for catfish fed 1.0% BW/day compared to a ratioof 0.27 for fish fed at 5% BW/day. Catfish fed 1.0%BW/day had the lowest condition factor, hepato- andviscerosomatic indices, but the highest carcass tobody weight ratio. These fish also had lowerproportions of whole body dry matter, lipid andprotein, carcass dry matter and lipid, and visceraldry matter and lipid than fish in other groups. Therewere no significant differences in either conditionindices or relative body composition of fish fedrations of 2.0 to 5.0% BW/day. Based on the growth,feed efficiency and body composition data obtained, afeeding rate of 2.5% BW per day is recommended forM. nemurus fingerlings raised at 29 °C.

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