
Two experiments were conducted to investigate effects of feed processing conditions and potassium diformate (KDF) supplementation on apparent digestibility of nutrients in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and physical quality of extruded feed. In Exp. 1, diets with raw or expander pretreated full-fat soybean meal (FFSBM) at 100 or 120 °C were extruded at 110 °C. Expander pretreatment significantly (P < 0.05) improved the digestibility of arginine, glutamine and tyrosine in Atlantic salmon. The higher digestibility of expander pretreated FFSBM was confirmed in mink (Mustela vison). In Exp. 2, diets with defatted soybean meal (SBM) were extruded at 110, 130 or 150 °C. The results showed that increasing extrusion temperatures significantly (P < 0.05) improved the digestibility of most major nutrients and amino acids in Atlantic salmon. In general, KDF supplementation to FFSBM and SBM diets did not affect digestibility of nutrients in Atlantic salmon or mink. Expander pretreatment and increasing extrusion temperatures increased pellet expansion, while KDF supplementation reduced pellet expansion.

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