
The objective of this work was to determine the effects of fatty acid composition of liquid margarines (LM) on the sensory properties of sponge cakes and compare it with cakes containing solid margarines and butter. Fats were different in principal groups of fatty acid and were of the following composition: SFA (9.3–66.4), TFA (1.2–10.3), PUFA (1.9–53.9%). The taste and aroma of cakes scored lower with increasing content of unsaturated FA, especially PUFA and higher with increasing content of SFA and TFA combined. With respect to taste and aroma, cakes containing LM scored lower in comparison to cakes containing butter, while the texture of such cakes was rated as high as cakes containing butter. Approximately 34–65% of young consumers perceived such cakes as “like very much” and “like moderately”, however, 5% of consumers described them as “dislike a lot”. The results of this study indicate that liquid margarines could be recommended for cakes in large-scale manufacture. Regarding recommendations of redu...

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