
We conducted a laboratory study to determine if male fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, altered their territorial behaviour associated with reproduction in response to combinations of visual and chemical cues from northern pike, Esox lucius. We introduced the following stimuli to a territorial male: a brick (control), fathead minnow alarm pheromone, a pike fed brook stickleback, Culea inconstans, or a pike fed fathead minnow. The territorial behaviour of males did not change when the control was added. Male minnows experiencing threat from pike fed stickleback significantly reduced the frequency at which they performed three territorial behaviours, but, within 12 h, had returned to pre-exposure activity levels. Male minnows subjected to alarm pheromone alone and to pike fed fathead minnow significantly reduced their territorial behaviour, abandoned their nests, and did not return to pre-exposure levels of activity after 24 h. We suggest that because risk of predation triggers prolonged decreases in territorial defense, it may affect competition between nesting males and female mate choice. We conclude that fathead minnows can assess the severity of predatory threat and adjust their reproductive behaviour accordingly.

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