
During aging, the male Japanese quail exhibits a loss of fertility, increased morphological abnormalities in the testes, and a higher incidence of Sertoli cell tumors. Although there is a coincident loss of reproductive behavior, plasma androgen levels remain high until testicular regression occurs in association with senescence. The purpose of this study was to compare mean specific binding of chicken luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as a measure of testicular receptors during identified stages during aging. Males were categorized according to age (young = 9 months, middle aged = 24 months, or old = 36+ months) and sexual behavior (active or inactive). Testicular samples were collected immediately after perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde from the following groups: young active (n = 8), young photoregressed (n = 5), young photoregressed plus testosterone implant (n = 4), middle-aged active (n = 8), middle-aged inactive (n = 4), old inactive (n = 5), and old inactive plus testosterone implant (n = 6). A crude plasma membrane fraction was prepared from the testes of each bird and an aliquot deriving from 10 mg of testicular tissue was used for binding assay. Specific binding of labeled LH or FSH was expressed as percentage of total radioactive hormone. Results showed significant (P < 0.05) age-related decreases in both FSH and LH receptor numbers. The highest FSH binding was found in young and middle-aged active males, with low binding in old inactive males. Testicular LH binding decreased during aging, with a sharp decrease in middle-aged males, which was similar to old males. Testosterone implants weakly stimulated FSH and LH binding in old males. Both LH and FSH binding decreased in photoregressed young males. However, testosterone implants stimulated increased LH binding, but did not affect FSH binding in young photoregressed males. These results provide evidence for separate regulation of testicular LH and FSH receptors, with testosterone stimulation of LH receptor, but not FSH receptor number in young males. However, during aging there appears to be a loss of this response, potentially because of the reduced efficacy of testosterone stimulation, thereby implying a diminished capacity for response with aging.

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