
Haploid and diploid males of the parasitic wasp Bracon serinopae Cherian were fed with ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) and mitomycin-C in sucrose solution every 24 hours in separate experiments. The number of living males was recorded daily, survivorship curves were established, and mean lifespans were calculated. Both mutagens reduced length of life. However, the haploid males were not differentially affected from diploid males in EMS treatment, while diploid males were less affected by mitomycin-C than were haploid males. A single dose of EMS was not effective in reducing the lifespan of haploid males, whereas a single dose of mitomycin-C drastically reduced length of life in haploid males. These results suggest that aging in Bracon may be mimicked by somatic mutations induced by EMS and mitomycin-C, although the mechanism of influence is different in each case.

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