
17β-Estradiol (E2) and synthetic 17α-Ethinylestradiol (EE2) are estrogenic compounds present in surface waters as a consequence of municipal sewage discharges. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of E2, EE2 and its mixtures on different reproductive parameters and embryo–larval survival in pejerrey fish (Odontesthes bonariensis). In order to analyze the effect of these compounds on sperm quality, fertilization%, embryo–larval survival (%), and the point of no return (PNR), different assays were performed using concentrations 175, 350, 700 and 1400ng/L of E2; 22.5, 45, 90 and 180ng/L of EE2 and mixtures M1 (175 E2+22.5 EE2, ng/L), M2 (350 E2+45 EE2, ng/L), M3 (700 E2+90 EE2, ng/L) and M4 (1400 E2+180 EE2 ng/L). No significant differences in motility parameters were observed between E2 and EE2 treatments and the control group. However, a significant decrease in motility% was recorded for all mixtures tested compared with the control samples. For fertilization%, only sperm activated with M4 showed a significant decrease compared with the control group. In the case of embryo survival, there was only a significant decrease in the highest concentration of EE2 compared with the control group. For the mixtures, M3 is the one that had the most adverse effect on embryo survival. In larval survival, there was a significant decrease in concentration 175 and 700ng/L of E2 compared with the control group. In EE2 treatments, the ones with a significant reduction in larval survival were concentration 45 and 90ng/L. And for the mixture treatments, M1, M3 and M4 had a significantly lower larval survival than the control group. In comparison to other treatments, M1 demonstrated a significant difference in PNR when compared with the control group. The results obtained demonstrated that the exposure to mixtures of E2 and EE2 affected fish sperm motility, fertilization% and, embryo and larval survival even at relevant environmental concentrations highlighting the necessity of considering the effects of pollutants mixtures in ecotoxicological studies.

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