
Transportation of crude oil across North America's boreal ecozone creates the potential for spills in freshwater where less is known about the sensitivity of resident fish than for marine systems. The sensitivity of wild fathead minnows (FHM) to residual concentrations (ppb range) of the water accommodated fraction (WAF) of diluted bitumen (dilbit) was assessed by exposing them for 21 days followed by a 14 days depuration. Target concentrations were well below detection limits for GC-MS, but were estimated by dilution factor (1:100,000 and 1:1,000,000 WAF:water) to contain less than 0.0003μg/L of polycyclic aromatic compounds. Confinement and handling stress caused by transfer of wild fish into tanks much smaller than their natural range resulted in mortality and lower body condition among all groups, but interactive effects of oil exposures still resulted in females with smaller cortical alveolar oocytes, and males with larger testicular lobe lumen sizes. Additional studies examining the compounded effects of stress and environmentally relevant oil exposures in wild fishes are needed.

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