
Abstract : Research is being conducted to find whether Insular Puerto Ricans given English language training prior to taking the tests of the Army Classification Battery (ACB) show higher measured potential than those who take the tests before receiving the special English language training. ACB test scores were obtained on two samples of Insular Puerto Ricans, one tested before a six-week course of English language training (N = 100), the other on completion of English language training (N = 153). No data were available on men tested before and after, nor were test scores obtained at time of entry into service. While there was no reason to believe that the samples were different, comparability could not be established. Means, standard deviations, and ACB test intercorrelations for the two samples were compared. In both samples, mean scores averaged well below the mobilization population mean of 100. ACB test scores obtained after six weeks of English language training were not substantially different from those obtained on the sample that took the tests prior to the training. While on some tests given following English language training, scores were slightly higher than scores of the other sample, a high proportion of the men still failed to attain qualifying scores of 90 or higher on any aptitude area.

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