
The dispersion relation for the resistive hose instability in a charged particle beam with a flattop density profile is derived from the linearized Vlasov-Maxwell equations. Stability properties of the resistive hose instability where the perturbations are initiated at the beam entrance are investigated. In particular, the complex eigenfrequency $\ensuremath{\Omega}$ in the dispersion relation is expressed as a function of the real oscillation frequency $\ensuremath{\omega}$ of the excitation at the beam entrance. As expected, the growth rate $\mathrm{Im}\ensuremath{\Omega}={\ensuremath{\Omega}}_{i}$ decreases rapidly as the conducting wall approaches the beam (${r}_{w}/{r}_{b}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}1$). The growth rate also decreases substantially as the frequency ratio $\ensuremath{\omega}/{\ensuremath{\nu}}_{c}$ increases, where ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{c}$ is the electron collision frequency. Stability properties for perturbations propagating through the beam pulse from its head to tail are also investigated. In this case, the growth rate $\mathrm{Im}\ensuremath{\omega}$ is calculated in terms of the real oscillation frequency $\ensuremath{\Omega}$ of each beam segment. It is shown that the resonance frequency $\ensuremath{\Omega}={\ensuremath{\Omega}}_{r}$ corresponding to the infinite growth rate detunes considerably from the betatron frequency ${\ensuremath{\omega}}_{\ensuremath{\beta}}$ of the beam particles. It is also found that the bandwidth corresponding to instability is narrow when the plasma electron collision time ($1/{\ensuremath{\nu}}_{c}$) is long compared with the magnetic decay time (${\ensuremath{\tau}}_{d}$).


  • Previous theories [21,22,23,24,25,26] of the resistive hose instability were developed for highly collisional plasmas, where the electron collision frequency c is much higher than the oscillation frequency ! of the perturbations, i.e., c j!j

  • We show that the instability bandwidth is narrow when the electron collision time (1=c ) is longer than the magnetic decay time ( d )

  • We have investigated properties of the resistive hose instability in a charged particle beam propagating through a preformed plasma channel

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Intense charged particle beams produced in high energy accelerators and transport systems [1,2,3,4,5] have a wide range of applications, including basic scientific research, spallation neutron sources, nuclear waste transmutation, and heavy ion fusion [6 –8], to mention a few examples. The present analysis is intended for application to intense, positively charged ion beams propagating through background plasma with density larger than or comparable to the beam density nb. In this case, for large-volume plasma, the plasma electrons respond rapidly and provide nearly complete. Individual beam particles have a betatron frequency that depends on the transverse energy [22,23] In this case, there is not a distinct resonance frequency, and the maximum growth rate of the instability has a finite value [22,23]. We are currently investigating the effects of a rounded density profile and electron collisions on detailed stability behavior, and results of this study will be presented in a future publication


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