
The main objective of the current study was to understand the effect of EMF on testes and semen characteristics in male New Zealand White rabbits under ecological conditions. Rabbits were assigned randomly to 2 treatment groups of 8; EMF and control groups were housed 6 m under high voltage power lines (380 kV) and 500 m away from the power lines for 7 weeks, respectively. Following EMF exposure, blood was withdrawn from all rabbits and 4 rabbits per treatment were euthanized. Remaining rabbits were kept in normal laboratory condition for another 7 weeks for recovery. Decrease in the plasma testosterone concentrations, paired testes, epididimides and the accessory sex gland weights and seminiferous tubule diameters were noted in EMF group. Although ejaculate volume, pH, seminal plasma protein levels and libido were not affected by EMF, the percent sperm head/tail defects, percent progressive motility and sperm concentrations were lower in EMF group. The depression on semen quality was transient and returned to normal by week 7 of recovery period. Therefore, exposure of male animals to EMF may have reversible adverse effect on the reproductive performance

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