
The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of electrical stimulation of the medullary raphe nuclei on respiration in rats anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine. Train pulse stimuli (100 Hz, 10-30 microA) were applied in the regions of the caudal raphe nuclei: the raphe magnus (RM), raphe pallidus (RP) and raphe obscurus (RO). Stimulation of the RM depressed inspiratory movements measured by means of an abdominal pneumograph, whereas stimulation of the RP augmented inspiratory movements. It was revealed that stimulation of the RO induced either inhibitory or facilitatory effects on respiratory movements depending on the stimulation sites. These findings confirm and extend previous studies concerning the effects of raphe stimulation on respiratory activity in cats. The present results demonstrate that in rats the caudal raphe nuclei are involved in respiratory control.

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