
A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled field trial was conducted to investigate effects of Echinacea purpurea L. extract (EP, 0.5 g (EPL) and 5 g (EPH) daily) given per os for four weeks (second to fifth week of life (WOL)) to calves during the challenging period (a) of Bluetongue-virus (BTV) vaccination and (b) transport to and acclimatization on a second farm after four WOL [1]. The 27 calves from one Swiss dairy farm were observed for eight weeks. Clinical parameters were recorded daily. Blood samples were analyzed for IgG, white and red blood cell counts and mRNA abundance of various inflammatory markers in leukocytes. Compared to placebo, both dosages of EP slightly increased body temperature after rehousing and led to an elevated mRNA abundance of prostaglandin E synthase 24h after vaccination. EPL reduced diarrhea days by 44% (EPL: 7.5 days, placebo: 13.6 days; p=0.03), but ECH decreased levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit. This is the first study about EP in calves and further investigations need to be performed.

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