
Strength training addresses the physiological needs specific to each sport or the position of each player and will have a positive influence on athletic training. Eccentric/concentric exercises are widely used as a means of modifying the morphological characteristics that will lead to an improvement in the physical training of players. The main effects of weight training are the development of maximal strength and explosive power by increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat. In fast movements, strength acquires high values and sometimes exceeds isometric indices, and in slow movements, it gets values close to isometric ones. The purpose of this study is to design a physical training programme for strength development in volleyball players of the Știința Bucharest team. The experiment took place between 1 October and 21 December 2021, and therefore lasted 12 weeks. The participants in this experiment are members of the Știința Bucharest volleyball team. They were measured and tested at the beginning and the end of the competition schedule. After the winter training period, the obtained results had higher values, indicating that the means used and their dosage were effective. The methods and means used in the training programme guide the entire methodology of applying the independent variable. The results obtained from this research reveal that the independent variable of the study produces significant increases in both morphological characteristics and physical training.

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