
In order to develop site-specific response spectra from strong ground motion recordings appropriate for Eastern United States (EUS) sites, it is necessary to perform extrapolations from response spectra appropriate in other areas due to the scarcity of strong ground motion recordings available in the EUS. Recordings obtained from the more abundant Western United States (WUS) database are typically chosen to perform these extrapolations. The extrapolations require knowledge of how differences in tectonic and geologic conditions between EUS and WUS translate into differences in recorded ground motions. One of the most widely accepted tectonic differences between EUS and WUS is the observed depth of earthquake rupture for magnitudes 4 and greater. This report documents, using sophisticated three-dimensional numerical modeling techniques, how spectral shapes extrapolated from the WUS database must be scaled to account for differences in earthquake rupture shallowness. Using sophisticated three-dimensional numerical modeling techniques, the potential ground motions from small shallow events are estimated and the spectral shapes compared to those calculated for larger magnitude earthquakes occurring at more typical depths in the EUS. The possible effects of local soil conditions on the seismic response spectra are demonstrated. Earthquake ruptures of various magnitudes, site distances and fault types are compared as a function of rupture shallowness for a generic rock site and a generic soil site and do not include the possible effects of site-specific soil properties present in the upper fifty meters. Comparisons are also made among four earth models to demonstrate the effects of local soil conditions on the calculated response spectra.

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