
Grain texture is an important component of end-use quality in wheat. The effects of water availability on the components of texture; vitreosity, determined using a Light Transflectance meter (LTm), grain hardness measured using the single-kernel characterisation system (SKCS), and protein content, were studied in field experiments of winter wheat in the UK in 2001/2002 and 2002/2003. Experiments were grown on a drought prone soil and employed a mapping population of 46 doubled haploid (DH) lines and their parents, Beaver (+1BL/1RS, soft wheat) and Soissons (1B, hard wheat). The results showed that drought increased hardness in both seasons, but the effect was never sufficient to move a line from the soft class into the hard class. Puroindoline (PIN)-a:b peak height ratio explained ca. 78% of the variation in hardness, and drought also appeared to increase the amounts of PINs in the grain. Minor quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were found for hardness on chromosomes 2A, 2D, 3A and 6D, also associated with QTLs for PINs. Vitreosity also increased in response to drought in both seasons. Variation in vitreosity explained 7–11% of the overall variation in texture within a hardness class, with hardness increasing on average by 2.2 SKCS units for each 10% increase in the proportion of vitreous grains. The relationship between vitreosity and protein content was poor, despite the fact that protein content also increased in response to drought. Minor QTLs associated with both protein content and vitreosity were found on chromosomes 1B, 4D and 5D. A minor QTL for vitreosity was also found on chromosome 2D. However, there appeared to be no direct relationship between alleles at the Ha locus, the gene which controls the difference between hard and soft wheats, and vitreosity. A positive relationship between the presence of the 1BL/1RS translocation and the proportion of vitreous grains was identified, suggesting that vitreosity was strongly linked to changes in protein quality.

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