
The behaviour of fungal pathogens in a dormant or active state under different changes by infection of the host plant parasitic nematode was related to the function of fungi. Due to RKNs on the chilli in Meloidogyneinfected pot culture, Penicillium sp. demonstrated plant growth-promoting characteristics and nematocidal activities, according to the findings of the current study. This fungus can be used as a growth promoter in Treatments 2 and 3, where a mixture of Meloidogyne sp. and Penicelliumsp. showed higher growth rates and yellowing leaves in some pots, but no knots were found in the roots however, the current research may offer a theoretical basis for a growth promoter agent for better growth in Penicillium inoculated pots and In Nematode inoculated pots, Meloidogynesp can reduce plant growth. In both Meliodogynesp and Penicillium sp inoculated pots, it was demonstrated that decreasing nematode population increased the growth habits of chilies in terms of number of leaves Therefore, it has been demonstrated that Penicellium decreases nematocidal action while promoting growth parameters in chilli plants, and that using preventative measures can somewhat lessen insect infestation in control pots.

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